Practical Homework 05

Due Tuesday, January 28.

05 Practical Implementation in Houdini

Conformal Mappings

Keep an eye on the tutorial 07 page. It contains everything you need to know about this homework. Comment your code and submit your .hipnc file and a rendered image. Enjoy this homework, please.

  1. Import DEC Assets ( 1pts. )
    The download folder contains .hda files. Import them. The nodes are called dec_build and dec_matrices.
  2. Build the Area Matrix ( 5pts. )
    You might want to use the boundary markers from the dec_build.
  3. Conformal Mapping Problem ( 5pts. )
    Implement the algorithm. Follow the notes 06_Conformal.pdf from the lecture notes in the download folder (you may use eigs too).
  4. Flatten ( 1pts. )
    Use your solution to flatten your geometry into the plane.
  5. Tile It ( 2pts. )
    Get a nice tiling texture with lots of detail (online from texture haven or make one your self) use it to conformally texture your original and flat geometry.
  6. More Tiling ( 1pts. )
    How can you quickly increase how often the tiling is applied? You should get results like these images by modifying a little code.
    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-19.pngThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-20.png
  7. Color Conformal Factor ( 2pts. )
    Show using colors how triangles were stretched using shades from blue to white to red. Blue means shrinking, white means neutral, red means expansion. You might want to make sure that your flat geometry has the same total area.
  8. Build an Asset ( 1pt. )
    Create your own asset “otls or hda” file with your node that computes the whole conformal algorithm.
  9. Render it ( 2pt. )
    As usual, please get creative and render some nice images. Make sure your code works for the beetle.obj, cat.obj and face.obj.

Get working!

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-37.png

Total: 20 pts.


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