Structure derived from halfedges

The halfedge description M=(E,s,ρ) of an oriented surface contains all the information. It is nevertheless convenient to introduce some more derived stucture. For an edge eE we define

left(e)= the face (cycle of s) containing e

right(e)= the face (cycle of s) containing ρ(e)

start(e)= the vertex (cycle of sρ) containing e

end(e)= the vertex (cycle of sρ) containing ρ(e)

unorient(e)= the unoriented edge (cycle of ρ) containing e.

Denote by F the set of all faces of M, by V the set of all vertices and by E~ the set of all unoriented edges.

If we look at the quintuple (E,V,ρ,start,end) we see finite sets E,V, an involution ρ:EE without fixed points and two maps start,end:EV such that


This is a one of the possible descriptions of a general finite graph. This graph is called the 1-skeleton or edge-graph of M. In a computer graphics context one might also call it the wireframe of M.

The two most simple discrete surfaces

We claim that any pair of permutations s,ρ of a finite set E (with ρ involutive and without fixpoints) defines a unique cell decomposition of some compact surface without boundary. No further conditions are needed. To illustrate this, we look at the simplest possible cases where E={e,e~} has only two elements. Then necessarily ρ(e)=e~ and ρ(e~)=e. For s we have two possibilities:

1) s=idE. Then we have two faces, the first one φ being bounded by the single edge e, the second one φ~ bounded by e~. We have sρ=ρ and therefore only one vertex v. This is a cell-decomposition of the sphere as shown in the picture below.

2) s=ρ. Then we have only one face bounded by the the edge e followed by the edge e~. We have sρ=idE and therefore two vertices v (with a single outgoing edge e) and v~ (with a single outgoing edge e~). This is also a cell-decomposition of the sphere.

Halfedge description of oriented surfaces

Imagine a cell decomposition M of an oriented compact surface without boundary. Denote by E the set of all oriented edges of M. Then for each eE there is a unique face φ on the left of e. Denote by s(e) the oriented edge following e in the cycle of oriented edges in the boundary of φ. Then


is a bijective map (a permutation of the elements of E). Denote by


the map that assigns to e the same edge with the opposite orientation. Then ρ has no fixed points and satisfies


We claim that the whole cell-decomposition can be uniquely recontructed from the permution s and the involution ρ without fixed points: The set of faces F can be recovered from s,ρ as the set of cycles of s. A cycle of s is a subset φE which is invariant under s (meaning s(φ)=φ) that cannot be decomposed in any way into smaller invariant subsets. Similarly, the outgoing oriented edges from a vertex v are cycles of the permutation


Finally, unoriented edges ϵ are represented as cycles of ρ.