Tutorial Assignment 4: using the discretegroup package

I have noticed that several of the remaining groups have checked in Assignment3, just in time to make the deadline I set for today.  Good going!  Please contact me if you still have questions regarding this assignment. Also, please check out the lecture notes on the blog  if you haven’t already.  We are collecting a complete record of the lectures.  Thanks for all who are participating.

This week’s assignment provides an introduction to the Java package I introduced on Tuesday for discrete groups: de.jtem.discretegroup.  Here’s what’s to be done:

  1. Update the jreality and the WS12 SVN repositories.
  2. Run Assignment4 and look at the code.  You’ll notice that it instantiates an instance of the spherical triangle group *235. It also uses the class DiscreteGroupSceneGraphRepresentation to get a jReality scene graph representing this group (freeing you from the kind of work you had to do in Assignment3!), and sets the fundamental domain (via the method setWorldNode()) for this scene graph to be a triangle provided by the TriangleGroup class via a static method.  Notice that dragging over the resulting shape translates the individual tirangles so they no longer line up with their neighbors.  Make sure you understand why this is so.  To rotate the complete shape, drag over the background.
  3. You should be able to explore the source code of the discretegroup package.  For example, select the text class name TriangleGroup in the source file and select on the context menu the item “Open Declaration…” This should open the source file for the class.
  4. If you prefer to have the discretegroup package as an SVN repository to check out, it’s available at the repository http://fs.math.tu-berlin.de:8000/svn/jtem/ and its project name is discretegroup.  Login as “guest” with no password.
  5. The assignment is two-fold:
  6. First, replace the given geometry (the 235 triangle) with a SceneGraphComponent of your own design that creates a more interesting shape.
  7. Second, implement the new method setValueAtTime() to change the scene graph according to a time parameter d, which should be thought of as running from 0 to 1. In order to test our your animation, follow these steps:
    1. Activate the animation panel by selecting the menu item Window->Top slot.  You should see a window looking like this:
    2. You can drag this window out of the graphics window by grabbing its title bar (recommended). Then, click once on the Save button and once on the insert button.  This sets key frames at time 0 and at time 1.  Then, you can playback the animation by clicking on the Play button.  You should see the polyhedron change from red to blue while the edges go in the other direction, color-wise.  A collage of images created by this method is shown on the new header image for the blog.  (You can animate the scene graph transfomrations also by selecting a key frame, rotating the shape, and clicking the Save button in the animation panel.)
    3.  To speed up or slow down the animation, use the slider labeled playback speed.
    4. In this way you can test out your own animations.
  8. So, to sum up, the assignment is to design an animation of the symmetry group *235 following the steps described above. Viel Spaß beim Schaffen!

Tutorial Assignment 3: Frieze Groups

Before proceeding to the assignment, this news: The wallpaper group demo program is running again (there were some problems in the past few days with reorganization of the jReality website). Also, to change groups use the submenu Wallpaper->Groups... If you get tired of painting, try the automatic option Wallpaper->Run (Wallpaper->Pause to stop).

In this assignment you are asked to familiarize yourself with frieze groups, introduced in the  lectures this week.  A Euclidean frieze group is a discrete group of motions of the plane  that has exactly one independent translation.  There are seven such groups (up to affine conjugacy).

Directions for Assignment 3

  1. Update from the SVN repository. Run the application gunn.Application3. Use the ‘h’ key to browse the on-line documentation.  Note that the inspector panel has a combo box with the names of the 7 frieze groups. Your task is to activate this combo box, so that choosing a frieze group generates a pattern with the symmetries of the chosen group.
  2. Copy gunn.Assignment3 into your own package.  Modify it in order to implement as many of the frieze groups as you can.  The method updateCopies() has been prepared for this modification. This picture shows how these groups appear using the same ‘L’ motif as that in Assignment3: The seven frieze groups
  3. Creating the isometries. To help you generate the correct isometries, I have added a new class util.IsometryExamples.  Run it and see that it displays isometries of the types needed for the frieze groups: translations, rotations of 180 degrees, reflections in horizontal and vertical lines, and glide reflections.  Study the code to see how that is done.  Notice that we are working the euclidean plane but the matrices are calculated in euclidean space, such that the z-coordinate is left unchanged.  A reflection in a line in the (x,y) plane is specified as a reflection in the plane in 3-space containing the line and perpendicular to the (x,y) plane, etc.
  4. Strategy hint.  Notice that all the groups above have translational subgroups, such that there are either 1, 2, or 4 conjugacy classes with respect to this translational subgroup. By adapting the existing translation code to implement the translational subgroup (which means, in general, using a translation either 2 or 4 times as long), one is left with the task of generating 1, 2, or 4 group elements to represent the conjugacy classes, and putting them into a single SceneGraphComponent where they can be acted on by the translation subgroup.
  5. Non-euclidean metrics. It is possible to extend the definition of frieze group to be valid also for the elliptic and hyperbolic plane, since the both cases the notion of one independent translation is valid. It is optional whether you maintain the non-euclidean metrics in your modified version.  I encourage you to attempt to do so, since all the operations are well-defined also in the non-euclidean metrics.  As we have seen, the MatrixBuilder class supports construction of isometries in all three metrics. If you follow the strategy hint above, the simplest (metric-neutral) way to find a generator of translation subgroup is probably to calculate the appropriate power of the original translation.
  6. Fundamental domain.  Find the reference to the field fundamentalDomain in the method initCopies().  This node holds all the geometry contained in the displayed pattern, i. e., the frieze group acting on this SceneGraphComponent generates the pattern. This currently contains the single child representing the letter ‘L’.  Create a SceneGraphComponent and fill it with geometry describing a pattern of your choosing, and add it to the fundamentalDomain instead of, or in addition to, elSGC.
  7. Painting tool. [Optional] Create a single polygon of the appropriate size and shape and attach it to fundamentalDomain. (For example, use the method Primitives.texturedQuadrilateral() to generate such a shape).  Then, adapt the 3D painting tutorial example de.jreality.tutorial.tool.Paint3DToolExample to  create a tool which you add to the scene graph using fundamentalDomain.addTool(). This tool will allow you paint a pattern on this geometry and have it instantly replicated over all the copies.  Once you have a pattern you like, save it (using File->Export…->Image with size 1000 x 288) and I will add it to the cycling images used for the header of the blog.

Tutorial: Development tips and tricks

[Note: Go here for Assignment 2.] In this post I want to collect some miscellaneous tips and tricks related to the nitty-gritty of our programming environment for this course.  Please feel free to post other related helpful hints as comments to this post! I’ll be adding entries throughout the semester so it might be good to bookmark this page. I’ll add new entries at the top.

  1. Animating a scene graph.  For best results, re-use SceneGraphComponents and geometry factories.  For example, if only the geometry is animated, you can simply call the factory.set…() methods you need, then call update().  The geometry will be changed and the scene graph re-rendered without further work.
  2. html on-line documentation: Please try to reduce the size of your html folders in the SVN repository.  Large files make the update process with SVN slow and unreliable.  Please try to keep the total under 1MByte per team.
  3. Using the computers in MA 316: Our first Thursday in this lab, it was difficult to login successfully to these machines.  I’ve found out the problem. To use these computers, you have to select a session type on the pull-down menu below the login field. KD3 or Gnome are common choices, if you don’t already have a favorite (apparently KD4 is not available, which is the source of the problem); if you’re just going to be running eclipse, it shouldn’t matter much which you choose as long as you can get a shell/terminal.  FYI, here are the directions again  for getting the correct eclipse version on these machines.  Execute in a shell:
    1. ln -s /net/MathVis/eclipse64-subversive/eclipse eclipse
    2. ./eclipse
  4. If your Java process runs out of heap space:   You can direct the Java Virtual Machine to allocate more space when it starts up. To allocate 2 GByte initially and as final limit use the arguments -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m.
    1. You can set this just for this application in Eclipse using the menu item Run configurations…->Arguments->VM arguments.
    2. Set it globally for all Java VM’s in eclipse using Eclipse->Preferences…->Java->Installed JRE’s->Edit->Default VM Arguments.
  5. Update SVN frequently: Make a habit of updating from the SVN repository after you start up eclipse.  Some files your application depends on may have changed; I try to avoid such changes but sometimes it can’t be helped, and it’s better to adjust to the changes sooner rather than later.
  6. Use the utility class de.jreality.geom.Rn: If you are doing calculations involving points in E3 or vectors in R3, consider using the static methods Rn. It’s not possible to give an exhaustive listing here of these methods, but these include adding, subtracting, cross product, multiplying by a scale, normalizing, finding the norm, distance and angles,  etc.  Many methods also act on arrays of points or vectors (type double[][]). Take a look for yourself. When using homogeneous coordinates or doing projective geometry, consult Pn, in the same package.
  7. When in doubt, consult the tutorial examples: Just because you’re writing your own programs now doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from looking back at the tutorial examples.  In fact, now that you know more what’s going in, it’s probable that you will be more appreciative of some features which previously, in the initial confusion, you didn’t fully understand.  Once more, the principle at work here is: avoid writing your own code wherever possible.  It gives you more time and energy to … write your own code.

Tutorial Assignment 2: Moving forward

Please excuse the delay in getting Assignment 2 on-line.  On Friday I looked over the results of Assignment 1.  Ten  teams have checked in their work.  There is a pleasing variety in the results; there is a range of subject matter, and a range of difficulty.  Some of the applications are impressive!  It’s clear that there is a wide range of experience levels in Java programming, and familiarity with 3D graphics.  For this reason I’ve decided to postpone moving on the Assignment 2 this week.  I’m renaming it as Assignment 3 and have prepared a different Assignment 2 for this week.  We’ll get back to  Assignment 3 as soon as we’ve worked through the new Assignment 2, which I now want to describe.

Assignment 2 is a continuation of Assignment 1.  I’ve created a new class named simply Assignment and checked it in in the package named util.   Your Assignment2 class should be a sub-class of Assignment, which has a number of methods to make your applications more useful and convenient.  The extensions center around three main features:

  • flexible setup of JRViewer,
  • support for creating inspection panels (to control the parameters of your class), and
  • use of web browser to display on-line documentation.

Consult the class gunn.Assignment2 to see how I adapted gunn.Assignment1 to use these features.  Study in particular how gunn.Assignment2 overrides the following methods from Assignment.  (Notethe safest way to implement these methods in eclipseis via the menu item “Source->Override/Implement Methods”.)

  • getContent():  this SceneGraphComponent is used as the content of the JRViewer. You must implement this method, as it is declared abstract in Assignment.
  • getDocumentationFile(): This String gives the name of the file containing the on-line documentation for the class.  I’ve generated html files and put them in the subpackage gunn.html. In the case the String is “html/Assignment2.html”.
  • getInspector(): This java.awt.Component contains GUI to interact with the parameters which behavior of this class.  If you don’t override this method, you’ll get a default inspector based on Java beans technology; if you don’t want any inspector, overwrite getInspector() and return null explicitly.
  • display(): This method activates the assignment, invokes an instance of JRViewer (which you can customize by overriding the method setupJRViewer()), registers the inspector panel, and sets up the keystroke shortcut ‘h’ to activate the display of the on-line documentation.  My Assignment2 invokes this method in its main() method.

Summing up, here’s the next assignment follows.

Assignment 2

  1. Re-write Assignment1 to be a subclass of util.Assignment (name the result Assignment2, leaving Assignment1 unchanged).
  2. For those whose original assignment consisted of one shape or one surface: extend the mathematical content so that it depends on a real parameter in a non-trivial way. For example, implement a family of polyhedra or a family of surfaces.  This is a prerequisite [Voraussetzung] for the next point:
  3. Implement the inherited method getInspector() to include at least one slider.  Use the value of this slider to control a movement in the content of your class.  For example, the angle of a rotation or length of a translation.  More interesting of course are movements which change the geometry you are displaying.  You can, for example, use this value to control the truncation of the vertices of a polyhedron; to move among a family of surfaces (such from a catenoid to a helicoid); or to control any of the appearance parameters in your program — the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.  I encourage you to include other controls (non-sliders) for other types of parameters (integer, boolean, Color …).  As usual, consult gunn.Assignment2.
  4. Generate on-line documentation, preferably a html file located in a sub-package of your package named html. In this documentation file.  Of course, you can write in German if you wish!The file should contain, in whichever language you write, the following:
    1. Give a description of the mathematical content of your class, focusing on the features which you have implemented.
    2. Then, give a description of how to use your application.  A screenshot of the running application can be a big help here.
    3. Finally, conclude with a brief description directions of further work, if you were to work on it further.  You can also use this section to describe any difficulties you encountered in implementing your ideas.
  5. Steal this program! I encourage you to follow the example contained in gunn.Assigmnent2 as much as possible. Copy and paste from gunn.Assignment2 as much as you wish; every minute you save at this level is a minute you can use to customize the result according to your own wishes.  The same goes for the html documentation file.


Tutorial Assignment 1: Getting started

Welcome to the blog for the tutorial [Übung] for MathVisWS 2012.  Your work in this course will be project-oriented, based on the themes of the lectures.  Students will work in groups of two or three on programming assignments, including the final project.  For this work we will use the software tools:

  1. Java, an object-oriented programming language,
  2. Eclipse, a freely available IDE (integrated development environment) for writing Java applications, and
  3. jReality, an open-source, Java-based 3D scene graph created and maintained by the math department at TU-Berlin.

You may work on your own laptop rather than the institute machines in MA 316.  Please bring your laptop to class on Thursdays. Report technical problems to Dr. Gunn.

Getting started

For the first week, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the software:

  • Visit the jReality Wiki and explore the on-line Developer’s Tutorial, in order to gain an impression of jReality.
  • Get a login: Whether you are working with your own laptop or not, register with Dr. Gunn for an institute computer account (You’ll need this login to access the SVN repository and to post comments on this blog — whether you use the institute computers or not).
  • To login in to the institute machines, you can access the machines in MA 316 at any time — [I will send the key-code in an e-mail when it has been entered into the doorlock].  You should run a specific version of eclipse on these machines, which includes SVN plugin:
    • ln -s /net/MathVis/eclipse64-subversive/eclipse eclipse
    • ./eclipse
  • Download jReality: Follow the directions on the jReality Wiki to download jReality into eclipse as a Java project.
  • Setup Javadoc for the jReality project.
    • Select Project->Properties
    • On the popup window, select Javadoc Location.
    • Enter http://www3.math.tu-berlin.de/jreality/api.
    • Now, in the Java editor, you can read the Javadoc for a selected class or method by choosing the menu item Navigate->Open External Javadoc
  • Run the tutorial examples: In the Java Package Explorer of eclipse, navigate to the src-tutorialfolder, and run the tutorial examples:
    • Right-click in the Package Explorer on the class name, and
    • Choose “Run as Java Application” from pull-down menu.
    • The most important folders, in order of importance, for our work now are:  intro, geom, app, tform, and viewer.
  • Check out the course SVN project: into your Eclipse workspace 
    • In the SVN repository browser in eclipse, use right click to add the svn repository http://fs.math.tu-berlin.de:8000/svn/MathVis/WS12.  Use your  course login as the login to access this repository (e. g., mvws0123).
      • The password for the svn access has been sent in a separate email to your course account; if you haven’t yet logged into that account, do so now.
      • Read your email in a shell using the command Mail.
    •  In the SVN Repository browser, select  “Check out…” from the right-mouse menu.
    • Back in the Java Package Explorer, you should see another Java project entitled WS12.  Create a single package in the src folder for your group, using right-click then “New->Package“.  Name it so that all last names of group members are present, for example, hoffmannmueller.  You will do all your work for the tutorial within this package.
    • Each time you login to Eclipse, make a habit of updating from  the SVN repository for both jReality and WS12:
      • Select a project, then right-click and select Team->Synchronize with Repository.  
      • This should bring you into the Team Synchronizing perspective.
      • Select the project name, then right-click and select Update. Or if you have made changes to your own work and want to check it in, select Commit.  For finer control, navigate to specific resources and select Update or Commit for each resource.
  • Do the assignment (see below).

A description of the jReality scene graph can be found here.  This is roughly the same material, but more detailed, as what Dr. Gunn presented in the tutorial on Thursday. Email questions to me: gunn at math.tu-berlin.de


  1. Choose with your team members a favorite topic in mathematics.  Choose one topic which lends itself to being visualized using the capabilities you’ve discovered in your exploration of jReality.  For example, a favorite surface, structure, graph, function, map, polyhedron, or curve.  Restrict your attention to one aspect of this topic which can be implemented in one or two hours.  Choose the tutorial example which is most similar to your choice of topic.  Make a copy of the tutorial class and paste it into your group package in the WS12 project, renaming it Assignment1.java.
  2. Edit it to do what you want it to do.  At the top of the .java file add documentation describing what you did.  See the example in the package gunn.  Make sure your code runs, then use Team synchronizing perspective to check in your work.  Please, check in only the file Assignment1.java, not derived folders such as bin or build which you might have created.
  3.  Finally, after you’re satisfied with the result, reflect on the experience of writing this class.  Post a comment (see below) to this post in which you describe the programming experience.  (Comments are individual, not group-based.) What was harder than you expected?  What was easier?  Were there things which you couldn’t do which you had intended to do?  Was the documentation adequate?   (See note above regarding posting comments here).

Posting comments:

Some assignments, as the one above, ask you to post a comment to a post on this blog.  You have a choice of how to identify yourself when you make this comment.  You may either use your real name, or, if you choose to remain anonymous, you may use the login name you received for the course (e. g., mvws1223).  In any case, please provide as e-mail address the address you gave me on the sign-up sheet for the course.  The e-mail address will NOT be published with your comment, it is for verification purposes only.

Notice that you may use LaTeX commands in your comments, but they will only be evaluated when the comment is posted; the comment preview plugin doesn’t handle LaTeX.